人文畫家 美學講座

繪畫治療的傳奇 Legend of painting therapy

禪室的一瞬間 迸發40年的能量 The creative energy originated from a zen-room




Since the painting exhibition-to look for the root of the mind in 1998 Dr. Chien-Te Hung rendered his clear, transparent, and peaceful inner world through the brush to his patients. Then, in the real world, he taught his patients voluntarily to participate in drawing activities, like running water to provide human being.
The patient filtrate the elements of happiness into their inner world and allow patients to regain their hearts settled down.
In this nonconventional examination room, no more traditional authoritarian atmosphere, out of the hospital bactericidal odor, there is no bussiness , only respect for human beings, people is educated and liberated to be responsible for their own health. The medical doctor is not any more universal and is only responsible for a professional consultant of health to the patient. Dr. Hung provided the opportunities to learn the disease through coaching and teaching activities. This will demolish the health disparities, and information unequity through the transparency efforts of Dr. Hung.The patient in the officeisnot anymore telling their past history of the disease but they learn how to plan their future. The life will be supported and the soul is not anymore lonesome.


The human elements are reassembled one by on together, mutual communications
between the people together has concreted into a painting club. Dr. Hung converted the life of his own leads the life of the weak life of the patients abstractly. The waiting room is out of the conventional suffering and is colorful with baroque music.
The so coalled patients are much healthier than the people in the street with magenta colored face and confidence.


It is true that the life is short and limited, and the medicine is still in primitive stage. Depresseion of these patients was very common and aging is inevitable in this club of seniors. But the painting activities at the end of their life has enourished the social well being and happiness of the mind. The normalization of the blood glucose of the patients plus the solidarity of mind through the watercolor did form a strong social support of the depressed and cancer end stage.
They enjoyed the process of painting and getting together and returned back to the childhood lije entering the time tunnel. All these outcomes were planed and executed by Dr Hung to completely implement the spirit of social medicine- standing socially vulnerable side.
From 1999 to 2008 the painting club has exhibited with Dr Hung 5 times and won many prices until the hospital authority stopped it in 2008. Since then it became a legend in medicine.

誠然生命受DNA上老化時鐘的倒數計時制限,醫學也還有進步的廣大空間,老化凋零仍是自然界的定律,正常化血糖可以延長健康的壽命,繪畫增加病人的社會與精神上的幸福感,但是在人生不滿世紀的短短旅程中,洪醫師與病友經過畫筆與水彩,連結起來,形成強大的社會支持,與繪畫班病人度過憂鬱症與癌末的孤苦,用先進於樂活族的根本精神lifestyle of health and sustainability,以身心靈與天地永續經營合一,歌頌藍色地球之美,故鄉山水之親,找回心靈的故鄉,讓病人回到幼年,拾回赤子的熱忱,未收分文,不計成本,跳脫醫界固有的框架與顛覆資本社會的經營理論,自始至終沒有尋求回報的付出,完完全全貫徹社會醫學鼻祖的精神,站在社會弱勢的一方,從1998年6月28日在社教館展覽室舉辦大家一起來畫畫起,1999年3月3日起獲得預算,固定每週3中午12點至下午兩點,在陽明醫院2樓69診間佈置石膏像、購置畫架、提供專業顏料、無酸性水彩畫紙,招攬有志病友一同組成繪畫教室,歷經人員凋零,煞病流行,醫院領導更迭,組織再造,門診重新裝潢,石膏像被棄置,直到2008年初無故被動停止,洪建德醫師無酬服務10年,舉辦過病友與醫師聯展5次 (參閱線上畫展),受媒體報導無數次,輔佐長官以此成果受獎不計其數,創造了一個傳奇的故事,一個美好的傳說。

素人畫家在診間 The waiting room as a painting studio

老式診察室 The conventional physician’s office


洪醫師的診察室 The humane Dr. Hung’s office

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